Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wall ball sucks and I like nuts

Today's workout:
Power Clean 5,5,5(+) at 65%/75%/85% of 90% 1RM +10
[1RM = 110, so (110+10)*.9*.65 = 70]
So, used 70#/83#/91# (11 reps) Getting 11 felt great.

3 x 20 back extensions

For time 30-20-10 reps of:
Deadlift (bodyweight), 14# Wall Ball 10'
10 min cap.

DNF. Completed 30 DL/30 WB+ 20 DL/3 WB. I must have thrown WB 20-30 times that didn't count. Fuck. Rudy and Jonny worked with me after - I wasn't using my legs, was tossing the ball up the wall with a setter's grip (using fingers not full hands). I wondered why this shit never got easier. I knew I was shite at these but this was a humbling wod. Need to keep my elbows in, hands fully gripping the ball, ball in front of my face so i can't see the line.

Back to nutrition... for some reason, ever since Christmas I've been craving fats. Ever since I started eating paleo I've eaten very few fats, barely getting enough into my meals. Over Christmas, I ate this pecan/walnut/cranberry mixture and these delicious sunbutter cookies. And yes, I am aware of what I am about to say, but I can't figure out how to make this sound any better, so you'll just have to deal with how it comes out. I've been craving nuts and nut butters every day since. This afternoon I craved pecans and almonds around lunchtime, and tonight at dinner I craved sunbutter. I ate three tablespoons of it! I'm not sure why I am having these cravings, especially because I don't even really like nuts. I guess my body is telling me I need more fat, but I don't really know why that is all of a sudden. I've always been of the mind that you should listen to your body and that your cravings are your body's way of telling you what it needs. But, I don't want to overdo the fat I'm eating... I guess I'll listen to my cravings for now and see how that affects my weight and my performance.


  1. Ha ha! You like nuts. You knew someone had to say it!

    That cracks me up! Not you saying you like nuts, but remember when you were like: that many nuts, "I'm not a fucking squirrel." Ha ha ha! Look at you now!

  2. I have this weird addiction too chocolate that never goes away
