Thursday, April 1, 2010

It felt like summer today. For real.

Maybe that's why I didn't get a whole lotta work done...

Active Rest Day:

OH squat work. Still not able to open fully at the bottom of my squat. I am going to do as my massage therapist suggested and get in a lot of GHD work all week to try and lengthen my upper abs back to normal healthy functionality (sidebar: my massage therapist is Kimberlyn at Ruby Room - if you're on the fence about getting a massage or wanna understand why it's so worth it let me know - i'm happy to tell you all about it. She's PHENOMENAL). Basically she said that the reason my traps always  tight and my my shoulders always incline forward it that my upper abs have been worked far more than the rest of my abs and so my abs don't legthen fully. SO, GHDs will for sure strengthen my abs with lengthening (unlike regular situps that don't work the abs in a shortening motion). Please please please let that fix my OH squat. I am tired of it being an issue.

Worked for a few mins on the PVC doing OH squats and snatch drops with tighter grips to open my shoulders up, per Mike Gattone's suggestion, pre-lifting. Then did 2 sets of 15 reps with the super girl bar (15#), 1 set 15 reps with the 20# bar, 10 reps with 33# bar, 5 reps with 45# bar, and then stayed at 55# for the remainder of my work. Started with a set of 8 at that weight, then did a few sets of 5, and then spoke to Bryce about the wink at the bottom of my squat. After we discussed, I realized I couldn't fix it w/o the GHD work as prescribed by Kimberlyn, so worked in sets of 5 aware of an issue that I couldn't fix. Frustrating, but that's okay - sometimes you gotta work through a sucky situation. But at least I know what the problem is and I can feel it. I just need to be patient, do my GHDs, maybe some camel poses and bikram yoga, and eventually I will get there. I will. Or I will fucking scream.

After I finished my OHS work did 3 sets of 12 GHDs. If my abs don't hurt tomorrow I may start doing 3 sets of 15 a few times a week, and move up to 20 if necessary. I am not patient and while I don't wanna fuck up my abs and hurt myself I have got to get my upper abs lengthened so I can stay upright in my OH squat.
I also need to work on squats up against a wall or bench as Rudy/Bryce said to force myself upright. At this point I'll try anything.

Speaking of scream did anyone else watch the YouTube video Rudy posted? Jerk.
Forgot to eat breakfast. Well, less forgot and more I slept in (which was awesome) and then didn't have enough time to make breakfast before a-coaching with BWood.
2:15 pm - salad with oil and vinegar; 6 oz tilapia picatta, pomegranate iced green tea (sans sweeteners)
4:30 pm [Pre-wod] - was not hungry at all. Had 1 oz. lamb roast and gave up.
6:15 pm [Post-wod] - 9 oz of 1 Muscle Milk lite. Full container has 20g protein, 9 carbs, 4.5g fat... so I drank 13g protein, 6 carbs, and 3g fat.
8:00 pm -  8 oz. grilled pork chop with sweet potato au gratin (mmhmm. it was as delicious as you're imagining), and brussel sprouts. Two drinks (vodka) plus fruity stuff. 1/2 chocolate lava cake (yum).
I can't believe how little I ate today! No wonder I was low on energy at the box.


  1. I saw the video that Rudy posted and I did not appreciate. Also, I am going to try to be good til Monday... hopefully, I'll make it through the weekend being mostly good :)

  2. Ha ha. I thought that video was so funny...I'm going to post it again.
