Thursday, April 1, 2010

the AllDay Chipper makes me less than chipper

Congrats Anthony "AllDay" Dayrit for becoming the CFC March Member of the Month. You, sir, are a badass for sure. I read your blog every day and am constantly impressed with your work in the box.

Massage. Get some. I heart massage days.

I'm actually excited about today's WOD. It looks horrendous. It looks long and exhausting but for some reason these are the type of WODs I tend to excel at... which is weird b/c I always thought endurance was one of my bigger struggles. But, I think it's less the endurance that I struggle with, and more the power of the wod and sustaining that power for short-extended periods. When it's a WOD that you've gotta pace it a bit I tend to do well. Hmm. Good to know I guess. Of course, I know that means I need to be working in the time domain that I'm failing in (short wods)... but they're just not as fun... probably b/c I'm not as good at them. Damn it. Stupid cyclical problems.

From NY/NJ Sectional (25 min cap)
30 Overhead squat (95/55 or 40-50% of 1RM of average lift in series)
30 CTB pull ups
30 Power snatches
30 Toes-to-bar
30 Air Squats
30 Kettlebell swings (1.5/1 pood)

THAT above was written before I did the wod. Yuck. It was awful. Took 19 min and some seconds... 5 minutes of which were spent JUST on OH squats. They weren't heavy just awkward. I didn't warm up with them. Which was stupid. Stupid. Stupid. As punishment for being so stupid tomorrow is just a skills day. On OH squats. Maybe add in tabata row to punish myself some more. Stupid.

CTBs were 5s, then down to 2s and 1s by the end. Felt pretty good though. Snatches weren't heavy - just not used to stringing these. Did sets of 3-5. TTB in 3s and 2s. SDHP 6/6/6/6/6, squats 10/10/10 WAY faster than i expected - I flew through these. KBS 10/12/8.
5:30 am - 2 eggs with asparagus, mushrooms and onions sauteed in coconut oil. 1 c. coffee with 1/4 c. coconut milk.
12:45 pm - 3 oz. roasted lamb (with sea salt). 8 oz. of kale + WF sauteed mushrooms/zucchini/peppers/red onions + asparagus with a bit of balsamic on top. Totally surprised how long I made it w/o wanting lunch. Normally I would've been starving hours before this. I think that the coffee I've been drinking is what tides me over longer. We'll see.
4:30 pm [Pre-wod] -  3 oz. sole, 1 cheery pie larabar. 
6:45 pm [Post-wod] - tequila with blackberry/mint/lemon. Delicious. Burger from J Wellington's with fried egg, giardiera peppers. Sans bun. Three of Jonny's french fries. 
10 pm ish - Coconut milk with dark choc chips, almond butter, and some enormous California grapes :) Variation on Amy's suggestion for healthy yummy fat treat for recovery after tough wod day.

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