Thursday, September 16, 2010

FGB with my mom

Monday 9/13.

Fight Gone Bad! Today my mom's CrossFit, Rare CrossFit (, was doing a practice run of FGB, so I agreed to do it with her. First let me say that my FGB PR is 268. Last time I did it I got 212 and was pissed. But I've been getting back to where I was (albeit slowly since my travel schedule is still a mess) so I figured it would be somewhere in between. I was hoping for closer to 268 than 212 :) but mostly I was hoping my mom would do well and that I would be able to be a good coach for her while she went through this intense wod.

Let me stop for one second here and say that I LOVE that my mom CrossFits. If I had a photo to upload (or the ability to... I'm a bit tech-challenged on this iPad) I would show her off as I am so proud of her. My mom started off as all of us CFers start off... Struggling through wods, finding certain lifts or running (especially running for her AND me) a real difficulty. But she stuck with it! She's been CFing for about four-five months now. She even had to take a few weeks off for a medical issue but came back, strong as ever! She calls me most days when leaving her box and we chat about her progress, what lifts she did, what weights, how best to track her progress, etc. The other day she was so proud... Called to say that her workout included 4 rounds of 400m runs (along with other lifts I don't remember) and she had run all 400m each time without walking once (see, Bryce, I get it honest)!! I'd never heard her so proud and I couldn't be more proud of her.

So, today I got to do FGB with her. We discussed game planning a bit beforehand, but it wasn't until we went through it that she really saw what I meant and understood why in this particular workout you game the wod. I knew WallBall would be tough for her so I watched her work through it, helped her find the right wall ball weight for her first round, and by the third round encouraged her to take two shots, followed by 2 second rests, then two shots, etc. This third round she did way better than her previous two rounds (WB rds were 6/5/9 reps) when she followed the game plan. We also worked on punting breaths during sumos and push presses so that she would focus on what she was doing and rest enough that she could get through the wod, but not rest longer than necessary.

She also has a great coach, Adam, who owns the box and who was there checking in on her, making sure she was okay and not going to hurt herself but also encouraging her in a great way as she pushed through each round. I really like him as a coach for her. Makes me feel good to know she's in good hands since she can't CF with us at CFC (b/c she lives in VA).

So, anyway, my FGB wasn't bad. 226. Definitely not as high as I want but I've got some time before FGBV so I am gonna push it and not allow any more slacking!

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