Goals worked on today: HSPU. DU consistency.
Goals? What goals, you ask? How can she work on goals that she hasn't already established and posted, you ask? Because while I haven't finalized them yet, for fucking sure I need to work on HSPU, since I don't have 'em. To be posted once established.
12:00pm - egg white omelette with grilled chicken and carmelized onions. 1 1/2 c coffee + 1 splenda + non-dairy (3g sugar) creamer.
2:30pm - about 15 min hip mobility work, mixed in with 4 sets of 100 single unders. 4x25 double unders. The sets of 25 were not unbroken, but worked to sets of 25 before breaking. Kind of a frustrating day with these. Sigh. My 2nd set of single unders were unbroken though. Yaay for small victories! I was sweating before I even started the HSPU work, it was hella hot in there. About 5 min shoulder mobility work. Then, HSPU skillwork: Attempted 10x3, with the 10th set until failure, unbroken using one blue band and one green band (green band around my shoulders). I did 3-3-2-3-3-2-2-3-3-8! Wasn't thrilled when I had to drop on my 2nd rep but was STOKED about hitting 8 in a row. I rested about three-four minutes maybe before my last set, so 8 was pretty exciting to hit. I didn't mean to rest so long but two other coaches came in and we were talking... oops. Wasn't even going to attempt that last set b/c I'd cooled down and wasn't sweating or red in the face anymore but Emily said to, and I figured what the hell. Yaaay!!
4:15pm - APS Protein shake (23 g protein, 3g carbs, 3g sugars, 2g fat)
6:00pm - 1.25 oz no added sugar apple chicken sauage link (eaten while preparing my salad), 4 oz. grilled sea bass on top of arugla, mesculan greens, carmelized onions, home roasted peppers. Maybe 1 T. avocado oil, 1 T. balsamic.
6:45pm - coffee + 1 T no sugar cocoa powder + bit of heavy cream + 1 splenda. I'm so TIRED! Like every day I'm tired. EFF. Also, 2 t. fish oil. I keep forgetting to take this shit.
8:00pm - Worked on shoulder mobility for about 5 min to open up. Then worked on butterflies for about 10 min. Felt much stronger on this ever before. The pulls to get my chin over the bar were easy I just needed to get a consistency in my swing so I'd land in the same place time and again. Chuma said I need to drop from the top, not swing like a kip. Felt good, am certainly making progress. Did a few warm-up reps of SDHP and Clean & jerk @ 33/53/73# to prepare for the wod. Probably should've done a BJ or two but whatevs those were only @ 20" and I forgot.
Metcon: 15 min AMRAP of
10 SDHP @75#
20 BJ @ 20"
10 Power Clean & Jerk @ 75#
20 BJ @ 20"
Total Rds: 3 RDs + 3 SDHP.
Wrapped up with some hamstring (Chuma's hammies were tight so I showed him a few stretches) and hip flexor mobility work for about 15 min.
10:33pm - egg white omelette with spinach and 1.5 oz no added sugar apple chicken sauage link (plus icnnamon & nutmeg). And a fried egg on top. Mmhmm, you heard me. I put a fried egg on top of my egg white omelette. I almost felt ridiculous for adding a fried egg to an omlette... until i tried it. Yep. Delicious. I wasn't even gonna eat b/c I didn't feel hungry (until I started cooking) but I didn't wanna feel super hungry tomorrow when I got up, so figured eating was a good idea.
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