Thursday, June 30, 2011

Wod wod wod

Quick recap on my workouts so far this week...

Kelly: 5 Rds:
400m run
30 Box Jump @20"
30 WB @ 14# to 9' (no marks where I was hitting the ball... maybe to the 10' but am not really sure but at least for sure I was hitting the 9)

Time: 31:03 Did this one by myself after I coached all day. Was pretty grueling but I made it through and in a decent time especially considering my slow ass running pace and my fear/hatred for WB.

45 min mobility work in the am, then a few hours later did my first oly session with Coach Takano. Worked up to 73# snatch for 2 reps, then back off to 63# to work at for a few more. Then worked up to a 95# clean and jerk. Coach said I need to work on snatch balances and muscle snatches because I'm swinging the bar up and above me and need to push myself below the bar better. For cleans, he said I need to work the clean deadlift pausing below the knee for 3 sec, then above the knee for 3 sec. Wants me to work on the snatch drills at 75% and clean drills at 85%. Takano said he expects me to begin lifting significantly heavier weights which is exciting. Also said that my thighs will get thicker (totally fine with me, it'll just make my waist look smaller in comparison). And that I might need to start eating more in order to keep up with heavier oly training. Sounds awful ;)

Filthy Fifty:
50 Box jumps 20"
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 KBS @ 24# (is this right?!)
Walking Lunges 50 steps
50 KTEs
50 Push press 33#
50 Back extensions (subbed 50 good mornings with 33#)
50 WB @14#
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Time: 28:14.
[PREV Filthy Times.... 11/6/09- 38:01, 5/13/10- 32:07. Good to know I'm steadily improving!!!] Push presses were fast as a mofo, felt awesome on those. Did 20/10/10/10 all way faster than I've ever done before. Wanted to go 25/25 but broke them as soon as i started to slow down, rested a sec or two and got back at it. WBs were better then expected, I really have finally gotten to a place where these aren't the worst things in the entire world. Yaaaay! KTEs were sad but I'm still nursing a huge ass tear in my left hand center of my palm which made repping these painful... so I pussed out to save my hand.
Can't decide what I'm gonna do today - rest day, snatch/clean drills or do heavy metal since it's my favorite workout at TCF with my favorite coach and this is the last time he's coaching it before he leaves to coach at another gym.

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