Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 5 and down 4-5 lbs. Booyah.

8:30am - wake up. I was EXHAUSTED today. Tried getting up at 6:30, then 7:30 so I could workout but just couldn't force myself into it.

9:45am - 16 oz iced tea.

10:00am - 45 min stretching/yoga with Jess.

12:30pm - sushi restaurant at the mall with some Team CFers. 4oz spicy tuna, 2 1/2 oz sauteed chicken with onions, carrots, and zuchini (cooked in a bit of brown sauce), with mixed green in a lightly applied japanese sauce.

2:00pm - 16oz mate tea. Delicious.

3:30pm - 3 oz grilled chicken, 25 blueberries

4:15pm - bite of James' homemade turkey burger (yum!), but of Heidi's chicken (also yum!).

8:30pm - a little later than I should've been eating but grocery shopping took too long tonight. 8 egg whites with spices, 1/4 c. steamed brocoli and less than 1/6 c. sweet potatoes sauteed with about 1/8 c. coconut milk which I cooked down until it was thicker. pinch of sea salt. Sounds kinda weird but was a creamy, almost-bechamel-type dish. Very delicious. I had been feeling unsatiated for the latter part of the day (my 3pm meal did not sustain me for very long) so I wanted something to combat that feeling. Now I'm stuffed. And sleepy. I think I'll go to bed early tonight.

I planned on getting a wod in today but I was just exhausted all day today. Traveling always takes it out of me. Guess I needed a rest day.

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