Workout at 6:30 am. Surprisingly not bad... but it wasn't much metcon, mostly strength. Tomorrow should be all metcon... we'll see how that feels at 6:30 am.
Warmed-up with a 400m row. Pulled 1:55-1:56 for the last 300m. Was surprised and pleased with this.
Back Squat Progression:
Warm-up set @ 45# x 15 reps
95# x5 - 125# x5 -135# x5 - 145# x5 - 160# x5
CFTotal BS was 165 (prev PR was 185) so felt good about today's numbers.
5:30 am [Pre-wod] - 3 egg whites + 1 yolk; ~2-3 oz mushrooms; 1/2 T cashew butter
7:45 am [Post-wod] 1/2 small-medium apple; 4 slices all natural no nitrates ham (it was literally the ONLY meat in the grocery store that was remotely paleo and cooked. I asked for no salt turkey and the woman was confused. She said she had low sodium turkey. "How low?" I asked. "I don't know, I think it says 240 on the label. I assume that's per slice." "How much sodium is in your regular turkey (so I could figure out whether this really was low enough in sodium content to bother)." "Um, probably the same." Sigh. "But, if that's your low sodium brand, wouldn't your regular turkey have higher sodium?" "Oh. Well, I guess so then." RIGHT. So, needless to say I didn't buy the probably not low-sodium turkey, and settled on the nitrate-free ham.
9:00 am - 10 oz coffee + coconut milk + 2 raw sugars
12:00 pm - Seafood salad (mussels, shrimp, calamari poached in white wine) over field greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, and red onions with olive oil & red wine vinegar.
12:30 pm - 10 oz coffee + coconut milk + 2 raw sugars
4:45 pm - 1 Banana Bread Larabar
Miss you, FS. Great work on the 6am workout..I know that must have felt a bit out-of-body! P.s. That salad sounds delish!!!