Friday, January 22, 2010

And calling it a night

Bench Press 5-5-5+
(1RM +5) @ 67#, 78#, 88# (x8 reps)

3x Max push ups (60 sec rest)


SDHP (@ 40% of 1RM press = 34#)
Push Press (@ 34#)
Row 500M

Today's workout was tough. Tougher than I expected. I got through all unbroken (had to repeat 2 reps, 1 push press and 1 SDHP - thanks for counting Jonny) but was GASSED. Got into the row and just couldn't turn it on. I kept pulling but I just couldn't force myself to my usual pace. I stayed around 2:05 for the first 300 or so, then the last 200m were just a bear, and I pulled around 2:10-2:15. At about 110m left I actually took a second in b/w pulls, breathed, and thought I might not finish this, I might not be able to. I ended at 4:47, not a bad time, but exhausted. My legs KILLED.

I just finished dinner, and it's midnight. I'm taking a long bath with epsom salts and calling it a night.
10:15 am - ~3 eggs, ~1/4 avocado, ~3 strips bacon. 2 cups coffee with 3 t. (total) brown sugar (I asked for raw sugar and the waiter brought me brown... it was cute, he tried... so I used it. Not bad.)

1pm - 3 oz. grd turkey, 4 oz. sauteed kale + yellow peppers + eggplant, 3 oz. portabellas all sauteed together with fresh garlic and 1 t. white truffel oil. 1 t. coconut cream

4:30 pm - 1 T. sunbutter

5:30 pm {Pre-wod] - 3 oz. catfish, coconut water, 2 1/2 T. sunbutter (MAN was I craving it)

8:00pm [Post-wod] - 4 oz. catfish, coconut water

11pm - 1 1/2 oz. goat loin chop, 6 oz. sunchokes and kohlrabi, lightly dressed with olive oil, black pepper and teensy tiny bit of sea salt (SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD. BETTER THAN BAKED POTATOES!!!!), 1 1/2 t. sunbutter


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