Friday, January 8, 2010

I do not regret coming to the box today

Today's WOD would normally have brought SOO much uneasiness and frustration except that yesterday I worked with Jonny on OH Squats and was able to nail a 70# OHS. Prev max OHS was like 45#. I've had soo much trouble getting into the bottom of my squat with weight overhead. The staying down the the bottom and holding for intervals really helped, and for today's strength I found my 1RM of OHS at 80#!! I failed 3x and 85#. I didn't get deep enough but I was close. I look forward to working on this in the near future - I was disappointed not to get 85# but I was really really happy I got 80#, and so wanted to try for for more. Zack was PHENOMENALLY helpful today and was able to nail down what I needed to to do improve:
(1) keep the bar in the center of my body (standing on a line helped),
(2) go SLOWLY with this movement,
(3) start by sticking my ass out and chest up FIRST before anything else,
(4) keep core and everything tight the whole way through the movement.

Mandie showed us another way to get under the OHS to start - I don't like popping it off my shoulders so had resorted to power snatching it, but I also like the super high rack method where you start off with your arms locked.

Took so long working 1RM OHS that I didn't get the max dead hang pull-ups in. IOU. Again.

42 steps OH lunges (25#)
21 Pull-ups
30 steps OH lunges
15 pull-ups
18 steps OH lunges
9 pull-ups

It was nice having Chris to chase. Stayed on his ass 1st and 2nd rd only 2-4 reps behind him. OH Lunges: 1rd & 2nd rd unbroken (i paused for a moment once in the 2nd rd but never put the weight down), 3rd rd 6-6-6. I did not need to put the weight down during this at all. What a lazy ass. Pull-ups 18-3, 8-7, unsure about 3rd rd but I think i broke 2x. After Chris got into his pull-ups in the 3rd round and I had fallen further behind I slowed just a bit knowing I couldn't catch him. I caught myself doing that and had to force myself to get my mental game back and fight to the end. Need to get better at not giving up or giving in once I'm behind. Coming from behind is possible ONLY if you really work for it, and I should've pushed harder because he was pulling away not ceded to his win. Next time. Especially when pull-ups are in the damn metcon b/c they're a strength of mine.

PR'ed on pull-ups tonight - prev max was 15. Got 18 :)

OH lunges felt AMAZING. In the past, holding that awful 25# plate over my head was horrendous. It just felt terribly heavy and I was super irritated about it. Tonight it felt fantastically light. Yaay for getting better at Overhead movements!!!!

And, now, to sleep in my new Bucktown apartment. Such a wonderful day.


  1. Nice job Kerry! Keep up the good work!

  2. Really nice work overall Kerry. You are showing tremendous improvement. However, I can't believe you broke twice on the 9 set of pull-ups? C'mon now. Still a badass time.
