Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lean meat!!

8:30am - Pre wod - 1 egg, 2 oz. grd turkey, 3 oz. leftover dandelion greens+red chard, 6 walnut halves plus 15 dried cranberries. Was not feeling today's breakfast. I put all those things together - big mistake. Sigh.

10:15am - Post wod - coconut juice, 3 oz. Whole Foods low-sodium processed turkey breast

1:30pm - 1/16 c. heavy cream to taste
1:45pm - 6 oz (?) coffee, 1/16 c, heavy cream, 2 raw sugars

2:30pm - 3 oz. grd turkey, 3 oz. yellow pepper, 1 T. sunbutter. I was really craving a 2nd T but I think I may be overdoing my fat intake... so I denied myself. I didn't stop craving that 2nd spoonful until almost 3 pm. At least I stopped craving it at some point.

6:45pm- Paleo Chili! I don't know the exact proportions that I ate, but I ate about 3/4 c. chili. Mo and I made it with 1 lb. grd. elk + 1 lb. grd turkey thigh, and tripled the amount of vegis we put in (different varieties of peppers, onions, and mushrooms). Used about 4 T. organic EVOO, just a little sea salt, and everything was totally paleo (spices,vegis, etc). And delicious. Added 2 thin slices avocado on top with and some guacamole. AMAZING.

12:15am - was putting away the chili and couldn't resist a few (2) spoonfuls. And then, when I opened the fridge the sunbutter reminded me that I had I wasn't paying enough attention to it. So I had a T. of that before bed :)
Back Squat (Based on 175# 1RM)
125# x5- 142# x3- 158# x1

Metcon: 4 Rds:
5 Power Snatches (Rx'd was 80, did 65#)
10 burpees

Time 6:01.

I wanted to go heavier but my snatch form isn't there yet. Need to improve my form on those so I can get up in weight before sectionals. Annoyingly, I pressed out EVERY one. I may have nailed the first snatch. But that was it. My lift was more accurately called "ground to overhead is a sloppy and haphazard fashion."

3x12 GHD (Post Metcon).

The time was okay and since I wasn't really snatching anyway I kinda feel like I should've gone heavier to force myself through at a heavier weight, as I expect the wods at sectionals to be at high weights that I'm not yet comfortable with. But, if they were only counting true snatches then I may've been screwed anyway. Hearing "does not count" on every rep would not have made this a very successful day for me. Guess I'll work on snatches tomorrow morning.
Oh, and one last thing - today I went to the Green City Market with some of my favorite CFCers and it was fantastic (while there I tried heavy cream -from grassfed cows- like you said I could have Zack, and it was amazing. I had about 1/8 c. in total since the nice guy working the table gave me a free sample, and then gave me a second sample the next time I passed his booth so I could have it in my coffee, with 2 raw sugars. Heaven!).

I'm posting a picture of my freezer because it is ridiculous. After ordering from US Wellness Meats on Monday and my Green City Market trip today, I have a freezer FULL of meat and vegis. And that is all.

That's 3 packages of broccoli, 3 of spinach, 1 of asparagus on the top shelf. On the bottom, in various forms (such as ground/tenderloins/chops/etc), is grassfed beef, elk, bison, lamb, turkey, goat (not kidding), rabbit, shrimp and mussels. And of course I've got eggs and bacon in the fridge below. So... I'm pretty good for awhile. This next month is going to be one hell of an experiment in cooking.


  1. Yay! I love the freezer full of meat!

  2. JJ already said this but I too love a full freezer full of meat and food! :)

  3. I might have to breakdown and get a freezer to keep in the basement. We definitely have a small freezer. You'll have to let me know how US Wellness Meat thing goes.
