Friday, January 29, 2010

Front Squat PR, Jeremy PR almost 3x heavier, AND FASTER!

Bikram @ 10 this morning. Sore muscles did not want to stretch very much. I felt sleepy during the 90 min workout, and wanted to close my eyes in the "dead body" pose every time we got into it (which is after, like, half of the poses). I realized after I was in class that I hadn't eaten any fat this am which probably contributed to my sleepiness. Plus I cut back my coconut water intake pre and post wod by 1/2. I think I was having too much and while my performance was feeling great, I just felt heavier than usual... dunno what's been going on recently but I think I should cut back my fat intake and also my fruit/coconut water intake and replace (if I need more sustenance) with vegis with lower glycemic loads.

After class ended I stuck around a few minutes and used the hot room to get in one of the stretches Mike showed me (sit against the wall with butt up against wall at all times, butterfly the legs out, feet in close, arms back against the wall at the sides with palms out, elbows at the sides to start then stretch the hands up and over the head moving so that finger tips meet in the center above the head, then back to the sides and repeat). Did it six times and progressively held the stretch a bit longer each time. It still hurts, but that's okay - once it finally stretches those muscles out and doesn't hurt anymore it'll be all the more sweet.

After bikram and lunch I was SUPER tired. I need to get more sleep (says the girl as she writes in a blog at 11:45 pm).

CF at 6:30pm.  Strength portion felt great. Front Squat - Find new 1RM. Got 155#, failed at 160#.10# PR!!

Three rounds, 21-15-9 reps for time, of:
Overhead Squats (95/65# Rx'd, or 50% of 1RM OHS)

So, I've done Jeremy before. In May 09 @ 8:46 using the 15#... or as I called it (on the CFC site) using the "tiny silver extra girl girl bar." Tonight I used 53# and my form was messy. Sloppy. Ugly. I dunno if I got low enough every time, and I sure as shit lost my locked arms repeatedly and has to press back out (does that count?). I wasn't tired because the weight wasn't heavy and I didn't go fast because I had to concentrate to get my form at least passable, so it was never muscle fatigue. Just poor form and struggling through the that. The burpees were all unbroken and the OH Squats were 5/5/5 in rd 2 and 4/5 in rd 3. I dunno how I broke rd 1 b/c I was too frustrated. Amy pushed me through the burpees and reminded me to throw my ass on the ground instead of controlling my descent and shouted not to break or even think about breaking. Didn't write down my time - will look it up tomorrow and put it in this post. <--My time was about 8:16. Ugly as shit form, but heavier and faster, so that's at least partially good :)
8:30 am [Pre-bikram yoga] - 1 egg, 2 oz. turkey breast, 8 oz. coconut water

12:00 pm [Post-bikram yoga] - 4 oz. coconut water, 8 oz. chili, 2 T. guacamole.

1:45 pm - 2 1/2 T. sunbutter, 1 cup coffee + coconut milk and 1 t. raw sugar

6:10 pm [Pre-wod]- 2 oz. no salt turkey, 8 oz. coconut water, 2 T. sunbutter

7:30 pm [Post-wod] - 2 oz. grd turkey

9 pm - Dinner at Vermillion with Danielle, Alex, and Amy. Enjoyed 2 drinks (one with hot chilis... my lips tingled for the rest of dinner - amazing); amuse bouche of white chocolate/cauliflower soup + bean something fritter; appetizers split b/w all us - artichokes, mussels, scallops, duck vindaloo; amazing fall off the bone ribs (only ate about 3 oz of this); then split b/w all of us dark chocolate molten cake, pumpkin bread pudding, masala hot chocolate. The food was A-MAZING. I love that place. And while I cheated, it wasn't that bad. I didn't feel bad anyway. Glad I got 2 workouts in today to make it worthwhile :)
What I didn't eat today...

Rudy - we took this pic on New Years thinking of that HUGE piece of cake you ate at FGB IV.
And by "piece" I mean the entire right side of the cake.