Thursday, January 14, 2010

I don't really have a title for today's blog

9:30am - 1 egg, 2 oz. grd. turkey, 1/4 of a red pepper. Surprisingly good. Was prepared not to like it. Didn't remember to add any fat in, so ate 2 macadamias after I finished breakfast.

10am - Attempted coffee +  hemp milk. Yuck. Tasted like soy milk, except not as good. And I don't like soy milk, so this is not a compliment. I will just go back to not having dairy or any dairy substitute. I've made it this far. Sigh.

1pm - Whole Foods buffet leftovers - 4 oz turkey fajitas (meat + peppers+onions), 3 T. guacamole (yum!),  and 5 oz. kale salad with shittake mushrooms, tomato, cucumbers and red onion w/ fresh squeezed lemon

1:30pm hot tea with 1 t. honey and 2 T. sunbutter

5:45/6pm [Pre-wod] - 4 oz imitation crab meat, 2 T. sunbutter, ~2 blocks coconut water

8:30ish [Post-wod] - 2 block coconut water. That was it. ::sigh:: (I forgot the tuna sashimi I had gotten for post-wod today. oops)

9:45pm - 4 oz tuna sashimi, 6 oz. red chard + dandelion greens + red peppers sauteed in ~1 1/2 T. grapeseed oil

I bought grd turkey for the first time and cooked it up today with some sage, rosemary, garlic, and nutmeg. I didn't use any oil or enough spices (also I should have mixed the spices in while it was raw to really develop the flavor of the spices into the meat, but I hadn't yet decided what to put in it), so it's okay, but not great by itself. Amazingly delicious with an over easy egg on top.
Worked on getting comfortable throwing myself against the wall for HSPUs and controlled negatives to the floor (no mat). Finally getting comfortable finding the floor without crashing and screaming (sort of. I screamed once. It's hard!!). Also, Megan pointed out that I'm too far from the wall, and that I'm actually doing HSPUs to the 2nd mat, not the 3rd because my head is so far from the wall... which means I can ditch the 3rd mat and move on to only 2!! Progress, again :) Now, if I could only string more than 4 together...

Barbara Lite tonight. 3 rds: 20 pull-ups 30 push-ups 40 sit-ups 50 squats, with 3 min rest in b/w each round. Total time: 22:07, 1st rd was 5:01, 2nd was 5:40, and the 3rd was 5:26.

It was exhausting and I don't think I could've gone any faster tonight, and won't improve on this metcon until A) i get my technique down for pull-ups, and B) I can string together more push-ups. I struggled stringing my pull-ups (still not used to the new grip but am trying to work it out) and was only able to get 10 in a row (in both rd 1 and 3) before coming off. The push-ups I did full-out and FUCK was there a lot of them! The last 4 push-ups in the 3rd round were singles, but I was pleased to not have to resort to singles until then. I started each rd with at least 5 in a row, I think I got 7 or 8 in rd 1. I mainly did 4s and 3s, but towards the end of each rd I broke into 2s.

Sit-ups were unbroken in rds 1 and 2, but the 3rd rd I broke for a second at 20 and thought to myself THIS SHIT WILL NEVER END, before quickly getting back into it. They were slower than I would have liked them to be in the 2nd rd. Squats were disappointing in the the 1st and 2nd rds as I should have pushed harder knowing I had a three minute rest so close and not broken them (they did not need to be broken at all). Didn't break the 3rd rd of squats because Chris kept saying over and over not to, plus I wanted to beat Heather... which I did not do. Next time. Thanks, Chris, for demanding that I not break in my last rd.

Left the box feeling great and super pumped, though I'm not sure about what. But, hey, I'll take it!!

Also, I haven't weighed myself since I moved to my new apt (I left the scale at my old place and have yet to retrieve it). I have done so every morning since June, and it's weird to think tomorrow will be one whole week without weighing myself. Kinda weird. I think I miss it. Every morning I think, Hmm, I wonder if i weight more/less/or the same as yesterday. That may actually be enough of a reason to actually go pick up some of my shit this weekend.


  1. I love the" name for my post" post. Thanks for the help over the last couple of days with both the Lulu gal and the newbies last night. It's always great for people that have no clue what we do to hear from someone who has been as successful as you at the box!

  2. WF carries a grassfed heavy cream, I believe the brand is Farmer's Creamery. So, at least you'd get some good fats (6:3 balance and CLA). Also, the way I understand it is heavy cream, by virtue of having no protein and no carb, does not have the insulin spike, so although not Paleo, it doesn't have some of the negative effects that cause many people to be anti-dairy. Talk to Alison, I believe she uses it. I tried to find it for Jess, but they only had the half and half the day I looked for it.

  3. "as successful as you" - Rudy, you just made my whole day (I have a BIG, dumb grin on my face). Thanks. I'm happy to help - your box has transformed me and I would refer anyone/everyone to it.

    Zack - REALLY?! So, that's okay for me to have once in awhile?? This is officially the best day ever.

  4. Lulu gal = Christine/Christina?

    Kerry, I totally felt the same way about Barb-lite... it never ends...
