Monday, January 4, 2010

Three PRs today. Three?!

It was sooo nice to workout today. I was nervous about my stitches opening up so checking on them throughout the night and avoided jumping squats (subbed reg squats) and burpees (subbed 20 push-ups - unbroken, which I only just realized is a PR!), but my shins didn't hurt and the stitches looked completely fine so hopefully I'm in the clear to do whatever I want.

Jerks 5-5-5+ at 1RM(105)+5#
Rounded up to 73#/83#/93# x 7reps

After the above set  I worked with Rudy to improve my form on the Jerks. Prev 1RM was a Clean &Jerk max @ 105. Tonight Rudy pointed out I was still muscling it up (I love how whenever Rudy describes what's wrong with my form he says the problem is I'm "shit strong" so don't have to have good form to get it up.  If I had to have something wrong I guess that's a good problem to have!). He pushed me to correct my form by going heavier so I can't muscle it up. I set a PR at 115# and failed 3x at 125#. I had the weight, just not the lockout (form issue of course). I wanna work on getting heavier 1RM on many of my lifts. I think my form and some weird mental block has held me back previously and that my current 1RM are set lower than they should be (except the strict press and the DL - I think those are accurate, but think I can go heavier on my Snatch, Clean, Jerks, OHS. Maybe Front Squat and Back Squat too -though I'm not sure about those).

The metcon wasn't bad - though my arms were fucking burning after the wod... probably from all the extra Jerk work so even the light weight was strenuous for the presses. Broke those up probably more than I should have. Plus, my first rd of pull-ups were unbroken (15 - PR!) though I struggled getting my rhythm down for some reason.  Last 2 rds of pull-ups were sad though, 1s/2s/3s. Jonny said I wasted a lot of energy in the 1st rd trying to reset myself without dropping off the bar... maybe I would've finished faster if I'd dropped off and restarted but I wanted the 1st rd unbroken a little too much to do that. I may have gotten rd 2 unbroken pull-ups too, but I don't remember. The presses were broken up too much (unbroken rd 1, then 10-5, 5-4-3-3, then 15 (plus 1 repeated rep) b/c Bryce was standing next to me shouting not to put it down... though I rested the bar in the rack position during that last rd, so not quickly or efficiently unbroken.

I left feeling like my workout was good, but not as fast as I wanted it to have been, but looking back... I got three PRs today. Three. After two days of not working out. So what the fuck am I complaining about?


  1. Hey Shit Strong, remember it's great to have a big 1RM but not good if it doesn't carry over into wods. I have repeatedly had that issue. I'm a dark meat athlete. I'm good for one heavy,quick rep, but can I continue to do heavy loads repetitively (strength endurance)...nope! It's on my list of things to work on but not before fixing my metcon.

    One step at a time, biggest weaknesses first. Follow the CF pyramid: nutrition, then metcon, gymnastics, weightlifting, lastly sport.

  2. HAHA! gymnastics before weightlifting? bullshit. i'd rather get a heavy jerk than a skin the cat... but i'll do what you say, coach!

    I just meant that when we do these 1RM (or even 3RM) I often feel like I'm not hitting my limit. I'll fail a heavier weight, but it's because of form, not muscle weakness.

  3. Forget to say what the metcon was...

    4 rounds of:
    15 Pull ups
    15 Push Press (60% of 1RM Press)
